Content is King

stale content loses the interest of visitors & search engines


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<h6><img src="/media/content_pages/content-management/content-is-king/mitch-kapor-crop.jpg" width="120" vspace="6" align="center" alt="Mitch Kapor"><br/>
<em>&quot;Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.
<h6><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Mitch Kapor</a><br/>Founder Lotus 1-2-3</h6>

Content is King

Content is king!  If you remember nothing else from this website, please remember this --- content will make or break your new website.  Whether in terms of search engine optimisation, website traffic or appeal to your end visitor, high-quality content is the core of your success.

Managing the content you choose to provide on your website is a core component of how the material you offer is perceived.  As you discuss technologies to build and maintain your website with your developer/designer, you will learn more about the content management systems that exist and how you can use one to effectively manage and maintain your content.

Your content may appear in many forms….articles, pictures, product reviews, classifieds, and a host of other formats.

Search engines value fresh, new content higher than older content on the same subject.  At the same time, they penalize you for using duplicate content that may be found elsewhere on your site, or even another website.

As you deliver new content, keep in mind the basic premise of on-site SEO.

  • Use your keyword(s) early in the page, and then again in the last paragraph
  • As appropriate, use bold formatting on your keywords in the actual page body
  • Attempt to use important keywords inside links

Content is the one piece of your website that should change regularly.   A website with old, stale content will quickly lose the interest of both visitors and search engines.

Call 1300 787 970
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Web Design
Your design will include web 2.0 style creative graphics, intuitive navigation and SEO strategies to get the results you want.
E-mail Marketing
Stay in touch with your growing membership. Promote events, products and services at very low cost. Track results and continually improve performance.
Sell your products and services securely in realtime including affiliate marketing, discount coupons and stock levels.
Integrated SEO will rank you higher in search engines and increase the number of visitors to your site.


Web Design Brisbane | Search Engine Optimisation Brisbane | Graphic Design Brisbane

  Website Design and Content © 2024 Results Web Design | Tel: 1300 787 970