Search Engine Marketing

Someone is searching for your product or service right now


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<h6><img src="/media/content_pages/search-engine-marketing/search-engine-marketing.jpg" width="120" height="90" vspace="6"><br/>
<em>&quot;Almost half of all internet users now use search engines on a typical day&quot;</em></h6>
<h6><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow">Pew Internet</a></h6>

Get Ranked

Search Engine Marketing is all about using search engines like Google, Yahoo and Live to generate traffic (visitors) to your website. You select keywords or keyword phrases and compete to get ranked as highly as possible on either the free listings and/or the paid listing.

Keywords and Keyword Phrases

Selecting the most effective keywords is very important. Many issues must be considered including the popularity of the keywords (how many times they are searched for), the relevance of the keywords to your business, the cost and/or difficulty to rank high on search engines with the keywords and how qualified you would like your traffic.

More on Keyword Phrases

Free Listings (Organic)

Who says nothing is free! You can actually generate free traffic from search engines to your website. This is achieved using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

See Search Engine Optimisation for more details.

Paid Listings (Pay-Per-Click or PPC)

With PPC you only pay when a user actually clicks on your sponsored link. Sponsored links are usually found on the right hand side of a search engine results page. You bid on your selected keyword phrases and get ranked according to both the amount of your bid and the click-through-rate (CTR) or appeal of your listing. This form of advertising is very effective as you only pay on results and you can more easily calculate your Return on Investment (ROI) compared with traditional advertising.  
  • Do you know the key phrases your competiton are using to get their web site traffic?
  • What are the top ten keywords or keyword phrases you would like to be successful with?
Call 1300 787 970
Enter your details for a free analysis of your current or proposed web strategy.

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Web Design
Your design will include web 2.0 style creative graphics, intuitive navigation and SEO strategies to get the results you want.
E-mail Marketing
Stay in touch with your growing membership. Promote events, products and services at very low cost. Track results and continually improve performance.
Sell your products and services securely in realtime including affiliate marketing, discount coupons and stock levels.
Integrated SEO will rank you higher in search engines and increase the number of visitors to your site.


Web Design Brisbane | Search Engine Optimisation Brisbane | Graphic Design Brisbane

  Website Design and Content © 2024 Results Web Design | Tel: 1300 787 970