Search Engine Optimisation

Get found on Search Engines


Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is the science of improving the order you rank when someone uses a Search Engine to search for certain words that are related to your product, industry, theme, etc. These words are referred to as kewords, keyword phrases or keyphrases. The difficulty with this science is not all the text books have been revealed. Search Engines like Google do not reveal the exact methods they use to rank websites and, to make things more difficult, they constantly develop and adjust these methods.

Selecting Keywords

Keywords are the building blocks of search engine optimisation. Initially all keywords and keyword phrases should be identified and evaluated. See keywords and keyword phrases checklist for hints and tips to prepare your list.

Try Google's Keyword Tool for keyword suggestions  

Optimising Web Pages

There are many elements of a web page that can be reviewed and enhanced to improve the order that page ranks on a selected keyword phrase. Here are a few of the basics.

  • keywords in the url and/or page name
  • keywords as headings,
  • bold and emphasised keywords
  • the density of the keywords in the page copy
  • page title, meta tags and meta description
  • the text of incoming links
  • the reputation of a site providing incoming links
  • the number of related incoming links

Linking Strategy

Links from both your own website and from other web sites are an important part of website optimisation, especially if the text used in the link includes the keyword phrases you are optimising on. There are a number of ways to encourage incoming links to your site including

  • a direct approach to suitable and related sites requesting inbound links
  • pay for incoming links
  • agreeing to reciprocate links
  • create compelling content that other sites will naturally link to
  • blogging and social networking leaving useful links
  • publicity and public relations

Be careful not to do anything unethical or under-handed. Search engines are looking for this type of behaviour and they will penalise you if they catch you.

Landing Pages

What action would you like a new visitor from a Search Engine to take? How can you reduce their confusion and assist them to take a desired action? The percentage of visitors to take your desired action is referred to as the conversion rate. You should continually improve landing pages to increase your conversion rate. The multiplyer of an increase in traffic from SEO efforts and an increase in conversion of the landing page means potentially significant improvement of outcomes is possible.

Call 1300 787 970
Enter your details for a free analysis of your current or proposed web strategy.

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Web Design
Your design will include web 2.0 style creative graphics, intuitive navigation and SEO strategies to get the results you want.
E-mail Marketing
Stay in touch with your growing membership. Promote events, products and services at very low cost. Track results and continually improve performance.
Sell your products and services securely in realtime including affiliate marketing, discount coupons and stock levels.
Integrated SEO will rank you higher in search engines and increase the number of visitors to your site.


Web Design Brisbane | Search Engine Optimisation Brisbane | Graphic Design Brisbane

  Website Design and Content © 2024 Results Web Design | Tel: 1300 787 970